get /get/ (pres p getting; past got; past p got or (AmE also) gotten) verbo transitivo
Phrasal Verbs
get about v + adv v + prep + o (BrE) See Also→ get around I 1 get above v + prep + o: to ~ above oneself llenarse de ínfulas get across
I must ~ around to writing those letters debo ponerme a escribir esas cartas get at v + prep + o
I speak enough French to ~ by me defiendo en francés;
to ~ by on sth arreglárselas con algo get down
he must be ~ting on for 40 debe (de) andar rondando los 40 get onto v + prep + o
- (obtain) conseguir(conj.⇒), obtener(conj.⇒);
‹job/staff› conseguir(conj.⇒);
‹idea› sacar(conj.⇒);
where did you ~ that beautiful rug? ¿dónde conseguiste esa alfombra tan preciosa?
- (buy) comprar;
I got it from Harrods lo compré en Harrods
- (on the telephone) ‹person› lograr comunicarse con;
you've got the wrong number se ha equivocado de número
- (obtain) conseguir(conj.⇒), obtener(conj.⇒);
- (receive) ‹letter/reward/reprimand› recibir;
I got a stereo for my birthday me regalaron un estéreo para mi cumpleaños
- (be paid) ‹salary/pay› ganar;
I got £200 for the piano me dieron 200 libras por el piano
- (experience) ‹shock/surprise› llevarse;
I ~ the feeling that … tengo la sensación de que …
- (suffer): how did you ~ that bump on your head? ¿cómo te hiciste ese chichón en la cabeza?
- (receive) ‹letter/reward/reprimand› recibir;
- (fetch) ‹hammer/scissors› traer(conj.⇒), ir(conj.⇒) a buscar;
‹doctor/plumber› llamar;
~ your coat anda or vete a buscar tu abrigo
- (take hold of) agarrar, coger(conj.⇒) (esp Esp)
- (catch, trap) pillar (fam), agarrar (AmL), coger(conj.⇒) (esp Esp)
- (catch) ‹bus/train› tomar, coger(conj.⇒) (Esp)
- (colloq)
- (irritate) fastidiar
- (puzzle): what ~s me is how … lo que no entiendo es cómo …
- (understand) (colloq) entender(conj.⇒);
don't ~ me wrong no me malentiendas
- (take note of): did you ~ the number? ¿tomaste nota del número?
- (understand) (colloq) entender(conj.⇒);
- (possess) to have got see have verbo transitivo
- (bring, move, put) (+ adv compl): we'll ~ it there by two o'clock lo tendremos allí antes de las dos;
they couldn't ~ it up the stairs no lo pudieron subir por las escaleras
- (cause to be) (+ adj compl): he got the children ready preparó a los niños;
I can't ~ the window open no puedo abrir la ventana;
they got their feet wet se mojaron los pies
- to ~ sb/sth + pp
- (with action carried out by subject): we must ~ some work done tenemos que trabajar un poco;
to ~ oneself organized organizarse(conj.⇒)
- (with action carried out by somebody else): he got the house painted hizo pintar la casa;
I must ~ this watch fixed tengo que llevar a or (AmL tb) mandar (a) arreglar este reloj
- (with action carried out by subject): we must ~ some work done tenemos que trabajar un poco;
- (arrange, persuade, force) to ~ sb/sth to + inf: I'll ~ him to help you (order) le diré que te ayude;
(ask) le pediré que te ayude;
(persuade) lo convenceré de que te ayude;
I can't ~ it to work no puedo hacerlo funcionar
- (bring, move, put) (+ adv compl): we'll ~ it there by two o'clock lo tendremos allí antes de las dos;
verbo intransitivo
- (reach) (+ adv compl) llegar(conj.⇒);
can you ~ there by train? ¿se puede ir en tren?
- (become): to ~ tired cansarse;
to ~ dressed vestirse(conj.⇒);
he got very angry se puso furioso;
see married, cold etc
- to ~ to + inf
- (come to) llegar(conj.⇒) a + inf;
I never really got to know him nunca llegué a conocerlo de verdad
- (have opportunity to): in this job you ~ to meet many interesting people en este trabajo uno tiene la oportunidad de conocer a mucha gente interesante;
when do we ~ to open the presents? ¿cuándo podemos abrir los regalos?
- (come to) llegar(conj.⇒) a + inf;
Phrasal Verbs
get about v + adv v + prep + o (BrE) See Also→ get around I 1 get above v + prep + o: to ~ above oneself llenarse de ínfulas get across
- v + o + adv, v + adv + o ‹meaning/concept› hacer(conj.⇒) entender
- v + adv (be understood) [teacher/speaker] hacerse(conj.⇒) entender
- (get in front) [student/worker] adelantar
- (progress, succeed) progresar
- (manage, cope) arreglárselas
- (progress) [work/patient] marchar, andar(conj.⇒);
he's ~ting along just fine at school le va muy bien en el colegio
- (be on good terms) to ~ along (with sb) llevarse bien (con algn)
- v + adv
- (travel) viajar
- (circulate): it o word got around that … pronto corrió el rumor de que …
- v + prep + o (gather in circle): we can't all ~ around this table no cabemos todos alrededor de esta mesa
- v + adv
- v + prep + o
- (avoid, circumvent) ‹difficulty/obstacle› sortear, evitar;
‹rule/law› eludir el cumplimiento de
- (persuade) ‹person› engatusar
- (avoid, circumvent) ‹difficulty/obstacle› sortear, evitar;
I must ~ around to writing those letters debo ponerme a escribir esas cartas get at v + prep + o
- (nag, criticize) (colloq) criticar(conj.⇒), meterse con (fam)
- (hint at, mean) (colloq): what are you ~ting at? ¿qué quieres decir?
- (escape) escaparse
- (make off with) llevarse, escaparse con
- (go unpunished for): you won't ~ away with this esto no va a quedar así;
don't let them ~ away with it no dejes que se salgan con la suya
- (be let off with) ‹fine/warning› escaparse or librarse con
- (go unpunished for): you won't ~ away with this esto no va a quedar así;
- v + adv
- (retreat): ~ back! ¡atrás!
- v + o + adv, v + adv + o (regain possession of) ‹property› recuperar;
‹health› recobrar;
we never got our money back nos devolvieron el dinero
- v + adv (fall behind) to ~ behind (with sth) atrasarse (con algo)
I speak enough French to ~ by me defiendo en francés;
to ~ by on sth arreglárselas con algo get down
- v + adv
- (descend) bajar
- (crouch) agacharse
- v + o + adv, v + adv + o
- (take, lift, bring down) bajar
- (write down) anotar, tomar nota de
- v + o + adv
- (reduce) ‹costs/inflation› reducir(conj.⇒);
‹blood pressure› bajar
- (depress) deprimir
- (reduce) ‹costs/inflation› reducir(conj.⇒);
- v + prep + o (descend) ‹stairs› bajar;
‹ladder› bajarse de;
‹rope› bajar por
- v + adv (enter) entrar
- v + prep + o See Also→ get into 1a
- v + prep + o
- (enter) ‹house› entrar en or (AmL tb) a;
‹car› subir a;
‹hole› meterse en
- (arrive at) ‹station/office› llegar(conj.⇒) a
- (be selected for, elected to) ‹college/club/Congress› entrar en or (AmL tb) a
- (put on) ‹coat/robe› ponerse(conj.⇒);
(fit into) I can't ~ into this dress any more este vestido ya no me entra
- (into a given state): to ~ into a rage/a mess ponerse(conj.⇒) furioso/meterse en un lío;
- (affect): I don't know what's got into him lately no sé qué le pasa últimamente
- (enter) ‹house› entrar en or (AmL tb) a;
- v + o + prep + o
- (bring, take, put in) meter
- (involve): you got me into this tú me metiste en esto
- v + adv v + prep + o
- (alight, dismount) bajarse;
to ~ off a train/horse/bicycle bajarse de un tren/de un caballo/de una bicicleta
- (remove oneself from) ‹flowerbed/lawn› salir(conj.⇒) de
- (finish) ‹work/school› salir(conj.⇒) de
- (alight, dismount) bajarse;
- v + adv
- (leave) [person/letter] salir(conj.⇒)
- (escape unpunished) [person accused] salir(conj.⇒) libre;
he got off lightly o (AmE also) easy no recibió el castigo que se merecía;
he got off with a fine se escapó con solo una multa
- v + prep + o
- (get up from) ‹floor› levantarse de
- (deviate from) ‹track/tourist routes› salir(conj.⇒) or alejarse de;
‹point› desviarse(conj.⇒) or irse(conj.⇒) de;
I tried to ~ him off the subject intenté hacerlo cambiar de tema
- (evade) ‹duty› librarse or salvarse de
- v + o + adv (remove) ‹lid/top/stain› quitar
- v + o + adv (send, see off): we got the children off to school mandamos a los niños a la escuela
- (save from punishment) salvar
- v + adv
- (move on) seguir(conj.⇒) adelante;
to ~ on to sth pasar a algo;
~ on with what you're doing sigue con lo que estás haciendo
- (fare): how's Joe ~ting on nowadays? ¿qué tal anda Joe?;
how did he ~ on at the interview? ¿cómo le fue en la entrevista?
- (succeed) tener(conj.⇒) éxito;
to ~ on in life tener éxito en la vida
- (fare): how's Joe ~ting on nowadays? ¿qué tal anda Joe?;
- (be friends, agree) to ~ on (with sb) llevarse bien (con algn)
- (in -ing form)
- (in time) it's ~ting on se está haciendo tarde
- (in age): she's ~ting on (in years) está vieja, ya no es joven
- (move on) seguir(conj.⇒) adelante;
- v + adv v + prep + o (climb on, board) subirse;
to ~ on the bus/a horse subirse al autobús/subirse a un caballo
- v + o + adv v + o + prep + o (place, fix on) poner;
I can't ~ the top on (it) no puedo ponerle la tapa
- v + o + adv (put on) ‹clothes› ponerse(conj.⇒)
he must be ~ting on for 40 debe (de) andar rondando los 40 get onto v + prep + o
- (contact) ‹person/department› ponerse(conj.⇒) en contacto con
- (begin discussing) ‹subject› empezar(conj.⇒) a hablar de
- (mount, board) ‹table/bus/train› subirse a;
‹horse/bicycle› montarse en
- v + adv
- (of car, bus, train) bajar(se);
(of hole) salir(conj.⇒);
(of bath) salir(conj.⇒);
to ~ out of bed levantarse (de la cama)
- (of room, country) salir(conj.⇒);
~ out! ¡fuera (de aquí)!
- (of car, bus, train) bajar(se);
- (escape) [animal/prisoner] escaparse
- (become known) [news/truth] saberse(conj.⇒)
- v + o + adv, v + adv + o
- (take out) ‹knife/map› sacar(conj.⇒)
- (withdraw) ‹money› sacar(conj.⇒)
- (borrow) ‹library book› sacar(conj.⇒)
- v + o + adv
- (remove) ‹tenant› echar;
~ that dog out of here! ¡saquen (a) ese perro de aquí!;
I can't ~ you out of this mess no te puedo sacar de este lío
- (send for) ‹doctor/repairman› llamar
- (remove) ‹tenant› echar;
- v + adv + prep + o
- (avoid) ‹obligation› librarse or salvarse de;
to ~ out of -ing librarse or salvarse de + inf
- (give up): you must ~ out of that bad habit tienes que sacarte esa mala costumbre;
I'd got out of the habit of setting my alarm clock había perdido la costumbre de poner el despertador
- (avoid) ‹obligation› librarse or salvarse de;
- v + prep + o ‹river/chasm› cruzar(conj.⇒);
‹wall/fence› pasar por encima de;
‹hill/ridge› atravesar(conj.⇒);
‹obstacle› superar
- v + prep + o ‹loss/tragedy/difficulty› superar;
‹illness/shock› reponerse(conj.⇒) de;
he's very disappointed — he'll ~ over it ha quedado muy decepcionado — ya se le pasará
- v + o + adv (cause to come, take): ~ those documents over to Wall Street right away manda esos documentos a Wall Street enseguida;
to ~ sth over with: I'd like to ~ it over with as quickly as possible quisiera salir de eso or quitarme eso de encima lo más pronto posible
- v + o + adv (communicate) ‹emotion› comunicar(conj.⇒)
- v + adv (move past) pasar
- v + prep + o
- (move past) ‹vehicle› pasar, adelantarse a;
‹opponent/attacker› eludir
- (get beyond) ‹obstacle› superar;
‹semifinals› pasar
- (move past) ‹vehicle› pasar, adelantarse a;
- v + prep + o v + adv
- (pass through) ‹gap/hole› pasar por
- ‹ordeal› superar;
‹winter/difficult time› pasar
- (Sport) ‹heat› pasar
- v + adv
- (on the telephone) to ~ through (to sb/sth) comunicarse(conj.⇒) (con algn/algo)
- (make understand): am I ~ting through to you? ¿me entiendes?;
I can't ~ through to him no logro hacerme entender con él
- (finish) (AmE) terminar, acabar
- v + prep + o
- (use up) (BrE) ‹money› gastarse;
‹materials› usar;
‹shoes› destrozar(conj.⇒)
- (deal with): I've only got ten more pages to ~ through me quedan solo diez páginas por leer (or estudiar etc)
- (use up) (BrE) ‹money› gastarse;
- v + o + adv v + o + prep + o (bring through) pasar;
to ~ sth through customs pasar algo por la aduana
- v + adv
- (join forces) [nations/unions] unirse
- (become couple, team) (colloq) juntarse
- v + o + adv, v + adv + o (assemble) ‹people/money› reunir(conj.⇒);
~ your things together junta or recoge tus cosas
- v + prep + o v + adv (climb up) subir;
to ~ up on sth subir(se) a algo
- v + adv
- (out of bed) levantarse
- (stand up) levantarse
- v + o + adv (raise, lift) ‹person› levantar
- (reach): when he got up to them … cuando los alcanzó …;
we got up to page 161 llegamos hasta la página 161
get: getaway~away sustantivo
huida f, fuga f;
to make one's ~away escaparse, huir(conj.⇒);
get-together~-together sustantivo (colloq) reunión f
huida f, fuga f;
to make one's ~away escaparse, huir(conj.⇒);
get-together~-together sustantivo (colloq) reunión f
get [get]
I | vtr (ps & pp got, pp US tb gotten) 1 obtener, conseguir to get a job, encontrar trabajo 2 buscar: get me a coffee, tráeme un café get the fire brigade, llama a los bomberos 3 tener: I've got a new car, tengo un coche nuevo ➙ have 4 recibir: did you get my letter?, ¿recibiste mi carta? 5 ganar: she gets $100,000 a year, gana 100.000 dólares al año 6 (enfermedad) coger to get flu, coger la gripe 7 (transporte) coger: get a taxi, coge un taxi (persona) coger, pillar: they got the thief, pillaron al ladrón 8 preparar: I'll get breakfast, prepararé el desayuno 9 poder: I can't get the door open, no puedo abrir la puerta 10 (con pp) to get one's hair cut, cortarse el pelo 11 pedir: get her to call me, dile que me llame to get sb to do sthg, conseguir que alguien haga algo 12 empezar, iniciar: we got chatting, nos pusimos a charlar 13 familiar entender: I don't get it, no lo entiendo 14 familiar fastidiar: it really gets me, me fastidia de verdad 15 detener: they got him in the station, le detuvieron en la estación 16 afectar: the news of her death really got to him, la noticia de su muerte le afectó mucho |
II | verbo intransitivo 1 (con matiz reflexivo) to get angry, enfadarse to get cold, enfriarse to get dressed, vestirse to get drunk, emborracharse, to get married, casarse to get used to, acostumbrarse a to get wet, mojarse 2 (en voz pasiva) ser to get fired, ser despedido 3 llegar to get home, llegar a casa 4 llegar a: he got to hear about it, llegó a saberlo I got to know her well, llegué a conocerla bien ♦ LOC: she's got it in for me, me tiene manía Normalmente, el verbo to get se emplea con el infinitivo con to después de un complemento directo (I got him to go, conseguí que fuese), pero también se puede usar con un complemento y un gerundio cuando quieres decir poner en marcha, iniciar, hacer que algo empiece a funcionar: Can you get the car going, please?, ¿Puedes arrancar el coche, por favor? |
Compound Forms: | ||||
easy to get along with | adj | tratable | ||
get a fix (drugs) (informal) | v | tomar una dosis (drogas) | ||
get a foothold (figurative) | v | introducirse | ||
get a foothold (figurative) | v | afianzarse | ||
get a glimpse of (also: catch a glimpse of) | v | vislumbrar | ||
get a kick out of | v | disfrutar de | ||
get a loan | v | recibir un préstamo | ||
get a response | v | recibir una respuesta | ||
get a rise out of somebody | v | hacer perder los estribos a alguien | ||
get a thrashing (informal) | v | recibir una paliza | ||
get a whiff of (also: catch a whiff of) | v | oler | ||
get about (news) | v | circular (noticia) | ||
get about (person) | v | viajar (persona) | ||
get about (person) | v | salir (persona) | ||
get acquainted with | v | familiarizarse con (adaptarse) | ||
get acquainted with (get to know (person)) | v | conocer mejor a | ||
get ahead | v | tener éxito | ||
get ahead of (be better than) | v | superar | ||
get along | v | marcharse | ||
get along | v | progresar | ||
get along | vi | llevarse bien con | ||
get along | vi | funcionar | ||
get along | vr | irse | ||
get along with | v | llevarse bien con | ||
get along without | v | arreglárselas sin | ||
get angry | v | enfadarse | ||
get around (difficulty; also get round) | v | sortear (dificultad) | ||
get around (difficulty; also get round) | v | evitar (dificultad) | ||
get around (person; also get round) | v | convencer (persona) | ||
get around (person; also get round) | v | persuadir (persona) | ||
get around to doing sth (also: get round to) | v | encontrar tiempo para hacer algo | ||
get at (attack) | v | meterse con | ||
get at (insinuate) | v | insinuar | ||
get at (reach) | v | alcanzar | ||
get at (truth) | v | descubrir | ||
get away | v | escaparse | ||
get away | v | marcharse | ||
get away (avoid responsibility) | vi | escaquearse (evitar una responsabilidad) jerga, España | ||
get away (go unpunished) (colloquial) | vi | irse de rositas coloquial | ||
get away with murder | v | cometer un asesinato y salir impune | ||
get away! (no kidding!) (UK) | ¡no digas! | |||
get back | v | recuperar | ||
get back | v | volver | ||
get back at somebody | v | vengarse de alguien | ||
get back in shape | v | volver a ponerse en forma | ||
get beaten up (informal) | v | recibir una paliza | ||
get better | v | mejorar | ||
get bigger | v | crecer | ||
get blunt | v | desafilar | ||
get bogged down (work) (figurative) | v | empantanarse (trabajo) | ||
get bogged down in (work) (figurative) | v | empantanarse con (trabajo) | ||
get bogged down in debts… | v | ahogarse en deudas | ||
get broader | v | ensanchar | ||
get busy (place) | v | llenarse de gente | ||
get busy (make love) (slang) | vi | enrrollarse (hacer el amor) jerga | ||
get by (manage) | v | arreglárselas | ||
get by (pass) | v | pasar | ||
get by in (language) | v | defenderse | ||
get carried away (figurative) | v | entusiasmarse | ||
get completely hooked on | v | engancharse a | ||
get confused | v | desconcertarse | ||
get confused | v | hacerse un lío | ||
get confused | v | confundirse | ||
get confused with | v | confundirse con | ||
get cracking! | excl | ¡manos a la obra! | ||
get darker | v | oscurecer | ||
get denser | v | espesarse | ||
get dirty | v | ensuciarse | ||
get dirty | v | mancharse | ||
get down on your knees | v | ponerse de rodillas | ||
get down to brass tacks | v | ir al grano | ||
get down to business | v | ir al grano | ||
get drenched | v | empaparse | ||
get dressed | v | vestirse | ||
get drunk | v | emborracharse | ||
get engaged (marriage) | v | prometerse (matrimonio) | ||
get even | v | ajustar cuentas | ||
get even with | v | ajustar cuentas con | ||
get excited | v | emocionarse | ||
get excited about | v | emocionarse con | ||
get fatter | v | engordar | ||
get fresh (man) (informal) | v | ponerse fresco (hombre) | ||
get going | v | moverse | ||
get high (on drugs) | v | colocarse (droga) | ||
get hitched (informal) | v | casarse | ||
get hold of | v | agarrarse | ||
get hold of | v | encontrar | ||
get in | v | entrar | ||
get in (home) | v | volver a casa | ||
get in (politician) | v | ser elegido | ||
get in (shopping) | v | comprar | ||
get in (train/bus) | v | llegar | ||
get in contact with (also: get in touch with) | v | ponerse en contacto con | ||
get in line | v | hacer cola | ||
get in the way (figurative) | v | estorbar | ||
get in the way | v | bloquear el camino | ||
get in touch with (also: get in contact with) | v | ponerse en contacto con | ||
get in with | v | juntarse con | ||
get into | v | entrar en | ||
get into (career SI DE AL GO TESIRVE PON LO EN PRACTICA | v | meterse en |
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