miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

pair off

marry (colloquial
and intransitive)

Some of the students paired off after meeting one another at Burbon College.
Algunos estudiantes se casaron después de haberse conocido en la Universidad Burbon.
pal up with
become friendly with
(slang) Annie has already palled up with Joan and Sylvia.
Annie ya se ha hecho amiga de Joan y Sylvia.
palm off
get rid of a useless object
He palmed off his old radio on me.
Me regaló (por inservible) su vieja radio.
pan out
result (colloquial)
The new system seems to have panned out well.
El nuevo sistema parece haber salido bueno.
paper over
repair superficially
They attempted to paper over their differences.
Ellos intentaron reparar sus diferencias.
part with

give up reluctantly

Your books are occupying too much space. You'll have to part with them.
Tus libros están ocupando demasiado espacio. Aunque no te guste, vas a tener que deshacerte de ellos.
pass along
circulate, pass to people
Pass this notice along, please.
Haz circular este aviso, por favor.
pass away
The old man passed away last week.
El anciano falleció la semana pasada.
pass back
Pass the book back when you have finished with it.
Devuelve el libro cuando hayas terminado con él.
pass by

1) move towards
When I was passing by I heard a crash.
Justo cuando pasaba escuché un choque.
2) omit, disregard
He passed that point by in his lecture.
Omitió (Se salteó) ese tema en su conferencia.
pass off

1) happen
Her performance passed off quite successfully.
Su actuación fue realmente exitosa.
2) fade, decrease
Has your toothache passed off yet?
¿Ya se te pasó el dolor de muelas?
pass out
faint, become unconscious
It was so hot, I almost passed out.
Hizo tanto calor que casi me desmayo.
pass up
miss a chance,
not take advantage She couldn't pass up such an opportunity and left today.
No podía dejar pasar semejante oportunidad y se fue hoy.

pay back

1) return what is owing
He has not paid the two hundred dollars back.
Todavía no ha devuelto los doscientos dólares.
2) take revenge on

I shall pay him back for all he said about me.
Me vengaré (Le pagaré con la misma moneda) por todo lo que dijo de mí.
pay in

deposit money with a bank
to one's own or another's account
The auditor has found that more was drawn out from the bank than was paid in.
El auditor ha detectado que se ha extraído más dinero del banco del que fue depositado.
pension off
dismiss with a pension
Nice company!! He was pensioned off at the age of fifty.
¡¡Bonita empresa!! Lo jubilaron a la edad de cincuenta años.
phase in

introduce gradually

The new program will be phased in over the next six months.
El nuevo programa será presentado progresivamente en los próximos seis meses.
phase out
cease gradually
The old program will gradually be phased out.
El viejo programa será retirado gradualmente.
pick on
choose someone for kidding,
be unkind to Because he was the youngest, the other boys picked on him.
Por ser el más joven los otros muchachos se metían con él.
pick out

1) choose, select
She picked out the most expensive pair of shoes.
Escogió el par de zapatos más costoso.
2) distinguish
I can't pick you out on this old school photograph!!
¡¡No logro reconocerte en esta vieja fotografía escolar!!
pick up

1) lift up from the ground
Please, pick up your feet. I'm cleaning the floor.
Por favor levanta los pies. Estoy limpiando el piso.
2) collect
My wife is going to pick up some Concord grapes..
Mi esposa pasará a recoger algunas uvas Concord.
3) improve
Our business is picking up.
Nuestro negocio está mejorando (progresando).
4) learn casually

I picked this information up while waiting in the line to pay.
Me enteré por casualidad de esta información mientras hacía cola para pagar.
5) collect someone or
something in a car, boat, etc. We can pick you up at six.
Podemos pasar a buscarte a la seis.
6) recover one's strength
The patient has picked up considerably during this month.
El paciente se ha recuperado considerablemente este mes.
7) rescue
The survivors were picked up near South Africa.
Los sobrevivientes fueron rescatados cerca de Sudáfrica.
pin down

get a commitment

The Police tried to pin the boy down to details about the death.
La Policía intentó poner al muchacho contra la pared en busca de los antecedentes de la muerte.
pitch in
help, set to work energetically (colloquial) If everyone pitches in, the work will be done in a few minutes.
Si todos colaborar, este trabajo se puede hacer en minutos.
play along

pretend to agree

Let's play along until we find out what his plans are.
Finjamos estar de acuerdo hasta que averigüemos cuáles son sus planes.
play down
make or cause to appear
less important He played down the importance of the news.
Le dio muy poca importancia a las noticias.
play off against
encourage to fight
Very cleverly Maria played one boyfriend off against the other.
Muy astutamente, María puso a un novio en contra del otro.
play up to
flatter (colloquial)
For his own advantage, he always plays up to his boss.
Para ventaja propia, él siempre adula a su jefe.
point out
draw attention to, show,
indicate She pointed out the advantages of the proposal.
Ella destacó las ventajas de la propuesta.
polish off
finish (colloquial)
We polished off the rest of the apple pie.
Terminamos (Liquidamos) el resto del pastel de manzanas.
prey on

1) hunt and eat
1) Brown bears prey on fish.
Los osos pardos pescan y devoran peces.
2) disturb
2) This idea preys on my mind.
Esta idea agobia mi mente.
provide for
prepare for
In our company we have provided for any emergency.
En nuestra empresa estamos preparados para emergencias.
pull down


Many old buildings are pulled down to make way for new ones.
Muchos edificios antiguos se están demoliendo para hacer lugar a los nuevos.
pull in
vehicle arrives
The bus pulled in next to the curb.
El ómnibus paró junto al cordón de la vereda.
pull off
win, succeed in
Do you think she can pull off her new plan?
¿Crees que puede tener éxito con su nuevo plan?
pull out of
a vehicle leaves a place
The train pulled out of the station.
El tren salió de la estación.
pull out
a vehicle leaves
The train pulled out at ten o'clock.
El tren salió a las diez en punto.
pull over
drive to the side of the road
The policeman ordered me to pull over.
El policía ordenó detenerme al costado de la carretera.
pull up
remove (weeds, etc) by pulling
The gardener was pulling up weeds all the morning.
El jardinero estuvo desmalezando toda la mañana.
pull through
The doctor thinks his wife will pull through.
El doctor piensa que su esposa va a mejorar.
push on with
go ahead, continue
I must push on with my work.
Debo continuar con (dándole fuerte a) mi trabajo.

put away
put things tidily in their place
It is time to put the toys away.
Es hora de guardar estos juguetes.
put back
return to original location
Please put these books back on the shelf.
Por favor devuelve estos libros al estante.
put down to
attribute to
We put his bad temper down to fatigue and work stress.
Atribuimos su mal carácter al cansancio y estrés laboral.
put off
We cannot put off the meeting again.
No podemos postergar nuevamente la reunión.
put on

1) dress oneself in,
put clothes on I put on my old clothes for the journey.
Me puse mi ropa vieja para el viaje.
2) gain, increase
Has she put any weight on?
¿Ha subido ella algo de peso? (¿Engordó algo?)
3) switch on
Put the light on, please.
Enciende la luz, por favor.
put out

1) place outside, expel,
drive out Have you put out the cat?
¿Has sacado el gato?
2) extend, hold out
He put out his hand for me to shake.
El extendió su mano para estrechar la mía.
3) begin a voyage, set sail
Their tiny vessel put out to sea.
Su diminuta embarcación se hizo a la mar.
4) extinguish
The six firemen soon put out the fire.
Los seis bomberos extinguieron pronto el incendio.
5) switch off
Put out the lamp now, please.
Desconecte (Apague) la lámpara ahora, por favor.
6) annoy (usually used
in the passive) I was put out by his aggressive attitude to me.
Me molestó su actitud agresiva hacia mí.
7) inconvenience, trouble
He said he did not want to put us out by accepting our dinner.
Dijo que no quería incomodarnos al aceptar nuestra cena.
8) dislocate
I must have put my shoulder out while I was playing tennis.
Debo haberme dislocado el hombro mientras jugaba tenis.
9) publish
Dr. Wise has just put out a book on education.
El Dr. Wise acaba de publicar un libro sobre educación.
put through

1) carry out
The new plan has been put through successfully.
El nuevo plan ha sido llevado a cabo con éxito.
2) connect by telephone
(usually separated) Please, put me through to Extension 106.
Por favor, comuníqueme con el Interno 106.
put up

1) raise, hold up
Please help me to put this ladder up.
Por favor ayúdame a levantar esta escalera.
2) raise (prices)
Bread has been put up to 4 dollars a kilo.
El pan ha sido incrementado a 4 dólares el kilo.
3) pack away, put aside,
lay away We decided to put the deck chairs up for this winter.
Decidimos guardar las sillas de jardín por este invierno.
4) build, erect
I've put a shed up at the end of my garden.
He construido un galpón en el fondo de mi jardín
5) provide lodging and food
We can put you up for the weekend.
Podemos alojarte durante el fin de semana.
6) lodge
We put up for the night at Werton Lodge.
Nos hospedamos por la noche en la Posada Werton.
7) propose for election,
nominate The party put up Mr. Reno as their candidate.
El partido propuso como candidato al Sr. Reno.
8) offer for sale by auction
Three valuable pictures were put up for tomorrow's auction.
Para el remate de mañana se colocaron tres valiosos cuadros.
9) provide for a business purpose Mariana's father put up the money for her dental clinic.
El padre de Mariana puso el dinero para su clínica dental.
10) offer a prayer
The priest put up a prayer for safety in Spain.
El sacerdote elevó una plegaria por la seguridad en España.
put up to
instigate, urge to do wrong
(usually separated) She put me up to playing a trick on the teacher.
Me incitó a hacerle una broma al profesor.
put up with

endure, tolerate, suffer

When he lived in Buenos Aires and Santiago he had to put up with crowded buses.
Cuando vivía en Buenos Aires y Santiago tuvo que soportar ómnibus saturados de gente
quiet down become quiet The city quieted down after the political disturbances.
La ciudad se calmó después de los disturbios políticos.
queue up form a line to enter a theatre,
get on a bus or buy something (British English). They had to queue up for two hours in order to buy the tickets for The Phantom of the Opera.
Tuvieron que hacer una cola de dos horas para poder comprar las entradas para El Fantasma de la Opera.
take aback
We were taken aback by the news of his departure.
Nos quedamos sorprendidos con la noticia de su partida.
take after
resemble an ancestor
Paul takes after his grandfather.
Paul se parace a su abuelo.
take along
I took my sister along to the party.
Acompañé a mi hermana a la fiesta.
take apart
dismantle, divide into its constituent pieces If you have to repair this PC, you have to take it apart first.
Si quieres reparar esta PC tienes que desmontarla primero.
take away
He has locked the room and taken the key away.
Ha cerrado la habitación y se llevó la llave.
take back
Take this book back. We don't need it now.
Devuelve este libro. No lo necesitamos..
take care of
be in charge of
Roger takes care his father's business these days.
Roger está a cargo de los negocios de su padre estos dias.
take down

1) take to a lower place
He went to the shelf and took down a book of poems.
Se dirigió al estante y bajó un libro de poemas.
2) pull down, pull to pieces
Take down your model railway before tea.
Desarma tu tren de juguete antes del té.
3) write down, make a note of
The reporters took down the speech.
Los reporteros tomaron nota del discurso.
4) humble, lower the pride
of someone That fellow needs to be taken down.
A ese tipo hay que bajarle los humos.
take in

1) understand
She told me that my son had taken her explanation in.
Me dijo que mi hijo había comprendido su explicación.
2) escort inside a house
He took me in and offered me a cup of coffee.
Me hizo pasar y me ofreció una taza de café.
3) admit or receive as guests
or lodgers This woman takes in lodgers at home.
Esta mujer recibe huéspedes en su casa.
4) deceive, cheat
I was completely taken in by Monica's disguise.
El disfraz de Mónica me engañó totalmente.
5) make smaller
The tailor took in the suit at the waist.
El sastre achicó el traje en la cintura.
6) subscribe to, buy regularly
I have just started to take in the OM Personal free newsletter.
Acabo de suscribirme al boletín gratuito de OM Personal.
take off

1) remove
Please take off your hat.
Por favor quítate el sombrero.
2) deduct
He took fifteen dollars off because I am a good customer.
Me descontó quince dólares porque soy un buen cliente.
3) mimic
He is excellent at taking off famous stars.
Es excelente imitando artistas famosos..
4) leave the ground,
rise into the air Your flight is scheduled to take off at 3.00 pm.
Tu vuelo está programado para despegar a las 15:00 horas.
take on

1) undertake work or responsibilites

She was glad to take on the responsibility of looking after Marina's kids.
Estaba contenta de asumir la responsabilidad de cuidar los chicos de Marina.
2) engage to work

Sunrise Ltd. took on twenty additional people for the construction of the new bridge.
Sunrise Ltd. tomó veinte personas adicionales para la construcción del nuevo puente.
take out

1) carry outside a house,
a room or a building OM Personal takes their CD parcels out and post them.
OM Personal sale a franquear los paquetes de sus CDs.
2) escort outside
He took the dog out for two hours.
Sacó al perro por dos horas.
3) remove, extract
How many teeth did the dentist take you out?
¿Cuantos dientes te extrajo el dentista?
4) obtain a legal right or
a document He took out a patent on his new invention.
Obtuvo una patente de su nueva invención.
5) accompany out, invite out to
a party, a restaurant, a dance John took Patricia out to have dinner at Lola's last night.
Anoche John llevó a Patricia a cenar a Lola.
take over
assume control
The new manager will take over at the beginning of June.
El nuevo gerente asumirá el cargo a principios de junio.
take up

1) raise, pick up
Take the carpet up before you move the furniture.
Levanta la alfombra antes de mover los muebles.
2) occupy space, one's time, one's energies My job takes up most of my time.
Mi trabajo ocupa la mayor parte de mi tiempo.
3) begin to follow a profession,
a hobby, a sport, a way of life The medical student decided to take up surgery.
El estudiante de medicina decidió emprender cirugía.
4) shorten
I need to take this dress up at the bottom.
Necesito acortar el ruedo de este vestido.
5) arrest
He was taken up by the police for drunkenness.
La policía lo arrestó por borrachera.
take up on
accept an offer
I need a car so I would like to take you up on your offer.
Necesito un auto de modo que me gustaría aceptar tu oferta.
take up with

become friendly with

Molly took up with Robert after he had saved her life in Miami.
Molly se hizo amiga de Robert después que él le había salvado la vida en Miami.

talk away

continue talking incessantly

She talked away for over two hours and told me all her troubles.
Habló sin parar durante más de dos horas y me contó todos sus problemas.
talk back to
argue rudely with
Don't talk back to your father: listen to what he says.
No contestes mal a tu padre: escucha lo que dice.
talk down
silence a person by talking
I tried to argue with her, but she talked me down.
Traté de discutir con ella pero no me dejó hablar.
talk down to

1) speak patronizingly
He always talks down to people younger than he is.
Siempre trata como tontos a la personas más jóvenes que él.
2) talk in a disdainful way to
She is unpopular because she often talks down to people.
No es apreciada porque a menudo haba mal de la gente.
talk into


Can you talk Mabel into changing her strict point of view?
¿No puedes persuadir a Mabel para que cambie su estricto punto de vista?
talk out of
dissuade from
We tried to talk him out of quitting jis job.
Tratamos de disuadirlo de renunciar a su trabajo.
talk over
Let us talk it over before we decide.
Conversémoslo (Discutámoslo) antes de decidir.
talk round

persuade someone by talking
(usually separated)

Did you manage to talk your father round into lending us some money for the apartment?.
¿Lograste persuadir a tu padre para que nos preste algo de dinero para el departamento?
tamper with
interfere with
Someone has tampered with the lock.
Alguien ha alterado (modificado) la cerradura.
tear off
separate or remove
by tearing He tore the paper off and opened his Christmas gift.
Arrancó el papel y abrió su regalo de Navidad.
tear out
pull out or remove
by tearing Neil tore a page out and gave it to me.
Neil arrancó una página y me la entregó.
tear up
destroy by tearing,
tear into pieces She tore up her husband's letter.
Hizo pedazos la carta de su marido.
tell off
reprove, scold
Betty's boss told her off for being late.
El jefe de Betty la reprendió por llegar tarde.
think out
think over consider
I need some time to think your proposal out (over).
Necesito algo de tiempo para analizar tu propuesta.
think up
What will they think up next?
¿Qué inventarán la próxima vez?
throw away
throw out get rid of
I must throw all this rubbish away (out).
Tengo que tirar toda esta basura.
throw over
He threw over his old frineds when when his father died.
Abandonó a sus viejos amigos cuando murió su padre.
throw up

1) raise
They threw up their hands in utter amazement.
Levantaron las manos totalmente sorprendidos.
2) resign, quit
She threw up her job because of her failing health.
Renunció a su trabajo debido a su debilitada salud.
3) vomit
He ate too much and threw up at night.
Comió en exceso y vomitó de noche.
4) reject, abandon
He threw up his previous plan of going to Paris for his vacation.
Abandonó su plan inicial de ir a París de vacaciones.
thrust on
thrust upon force upon
They thrust the responsibility upon the manager.
Obligaron al gerente a aceptar su responsabilidad..
tick off
mark with a tick
She ticked off all the things she had packed up.
Ella tildó (marcó) todas las cosas que había empacado.
tidy up
put in order
You must tidy up your room before the visitor arrives.
Tienes que ordenar la habitación antes que llegue el visitante.
tie up

1) bind up
The thief tied up his victim.
El ladrón ató a su víctima.
2) be busy, not free
(usually in the passive)
I cannot see you tonight as I will be tied up all evening.
No puedo verte esta noche porque estaré tapado (lleno de trabajo) toda la tarde.
tire out
completely exhaust
The long journey tired us all out.
El largo viaje nos dejó exhaustos a todos.
total up
add up in number
and quantity The cashier totalled up the value of both cheques.
El cajero totalizó (sumó) el valor de ambos cheques.

touch down
land (of planes)
The plane touched down at 9 am.
El avión bajó (aterrizó) a las 9 de la mañana.
touch on
She touched on many important subjects in class.
Ella tocó (mencionó) muchos temas importantes en clase.
track down
capture by tracking,
search for and find The detective finally tracked him down at the library.
El detective finalmente lo localizó en la biblioteca.
trade in
give as part payment
Why don't you trade in your old car for a new one?
¿Por qué no canjeas tu viejo auto por uno nuevo?
triffle away
waste time, money,
opportunities Don't triffle away your time on parties and dances.
No desperdicies el tiempo en fiestas y bailes.
trip up
cause to stumble
Walter put his foot out and stripped his sister up.
Walter estiró su pie e hizo tropezar a su hermana.
try on
test clothes by putting
them on Helen tried on the new dress, but it didn't fit her.
Helen se probó el vestido nuevo pero no le iba bien.
try out
test by using
Let's try out this new computer before buying it.
Probemos esta computadora antes de comprarla.
tune in
find a station on the radio
(separable when transitive) We tuned in to listen to the B.B.C. program.
Sintonizamos la radio para escuchar el programa de la B.B.C.
turn away

1) turn or look in a different direction

She turned away because the sight of the accident was too much for her to bear.
Ella se dio vuelta (apartó la vista) porque la visión del accidente era demasiado fuerte para que soportarlo.
2) refuse admission, dismiss

The stadium was full so many people had to be turned away.
El estadio estaba lleno y a mucha gente se le rechazó el ingreso.
turn back

turn in a reverse or contrary direction (separable when transitive)
We decided to turn back when we saw all the cows in the middle of the road.
Decidimos dar vuelta (regresar) cuando vimos todas las vacas en el medio de la carretera.
turn down

1) put down, fold over
He turned down the collar of his coat.
Bajó el cuello de su abrigo..
2) reduce or make lower by turning (a switch, a faucet) She turned the radio down when the telephone rang.
Redujo el volumen de la radio cuando sonó el teléfono.
turn in
go to bed (colloquial)
We decided to turn in early after our long journey.
Decidimos ir a la cama temprano luego de nuestro largo viaje.
turn inside out
reverse (usually separated)
He turned all his pockets inside out but he couldn't find his key.
Dio vuelta todos los bolsillos pero no pudo encontrar su llave.
turn into
change into
Our sofa can be turned into a double bed.
Nuestro sillón puede ser convertido en una cama doble.
turn off
prevent water, electric current
from flowing by using a switch Turn the lights off before you go to bed.
Apaga las luces antes de irte a la cama.
turn on
allow water, electric current
to flow by using a switch She turned on the television and sat down.
Encendió el televisor y se sentó.
turn out

1) prove to be
Everything turned out all right in the end.
Todo resultó bien al final.
2) produce
The factory turns out twenty cars each day.
La fábrica produce veinte automóviles por día.
3) empty
The police asked everyone to turn out their pockets.
La policía le pidió a todos que vaciaran sus bolsillos.
4) extinguish by turning
Turn out the gas now: we've finished cooking.
Apaga el gas ahora: hemos terminado de cocinar.
turn up

1) appear, arrive
(colloquial) Several friends of mine turned up at the meeting.
Varios amigos míos aparecieron en la reunión.
2) raise or make higher by turning (a switch, a faucet) They turned the volume up and a neighbor knocked at the door.
Subieron el volumen y un vecino golpeó a la puerta.
turn upside down

disturbe, disarrange
(usually separated)

She turned the whole house upside down when she tried to find the missing key.
Ella dio vuelta la casa cuando trató de encontrar la llave que faltaba.

use up exhaust the supply of,
consume We have used up all the printing paper. We need to buy more.
Hemos consumido todo el papel de impresión. Tenemos que comprar más.
usher into lead, conduct The maid ushered us into the modern living-room.
La mucama nos condujo hasta la moderna sala de estar.
verge on approach Her husband's behavior always verges on rudeness.
El comportamiento de su marido siempre raya en la grosería.
volunteer to do a task When I was younger I volunteered to teach English for free.
Cuando era más joven me ofrecí para enseñar inglés gratis
wade through
slowly peruse
We had to wade through a pile of documents.
Tuvimos que recorrer lentamente una pila de documentos.
wait on
attend, assist, help
Two salesgirls are waiting on the customer.
Dos vendedoras están atendiendo al cliente.
wait up for
stay out of bed for
He waited up for the news of his daughter.
Aguardó despierto las noticias de su hija.
wake up
stop sleeping
He wakes up at six every day.
Se despierta a las seis todos los días.
walk about


Before our flight back we spent a pleasant hour walking about the Buenos Aires Botanical Garden.
Antes de nuestro vuelo de regreso pasamos una agradable hora paseando por el Jardín Botánico de Buenos Aires.
walk away with
win easily, steal,
take away They walked away with all the prizes.
Arrasaron con (Se robaron) todos los premios.
walk out on
leave, abandon
My sister is sad because her boyfriend walked out on her.
Mi hermana está apenada porque su novio la dejó.
walk out with
Jane is walking out with an old friend of hers.
Jane está saliendo con un viejo amigo suyo.
warm up

1) become or make warmer
(separable when transitive) 1) The small fire warmed up all the room..
El pequeño fuego calento toda la habitación.
2) become more animated
2) He warmed up when he saw his brother again.
Se reanimó cuando vio a su hermano nuevamente.
warn off
inform in advance
of what may happen The guard warned the intruder off not to enter.
El guardia le advirtió al intruso que no entrara.
wash down
clean a car, a ship by using
a stream or jet of water The crew spent two days washing the ship down.
La tripulación se pasó dos dias baldeando el barco.
wash off
wash out remove a stain by washing
She was able to wash the dirty mark out.
Ella pudo eliminar la marca de suciedad.
wash up
clean dishes after a meal
(separable when transitive) Who is washing up tonight?
¿Quién va a lavar los platos esta noche?
watch out for
beware of, be careful with
If you go into the jungle, watch out for tigers and snakes.
Si entras en la selva ten cuidado con los tigres y las víboras.
watch out
beware, be careful
Watch out! The roads are icy today.
¡Ten cuidado! Las carreteras están resbaladizas hoy.
watch over
The shepherd watched over the sheep.
El pastor vigilaba las ovejas.
water down
This soup has been watered down.
Esta sopa se ha aguado.
wear away
wear down gradually reduce the height
by constant wearing The soles of his shoes were worn away.
Las suelas de sus zapatos estaban desgastadas.
wear off
diminish, cease or disappear gradually My toothache has now worn off.
Mi dolor de muelas ya ha desaparecido.
wear on
pass slowly on
The night wore on and still he could not sleep.
Transcurría la noche y aún así no se podía dormir.
wear out

1) gradually destroy
by wearing or using 1) My jacket is wearing out, although it is only a year old.
Mi chaqueta se está gastando aunque apenas tiene un año.
2) exhaust (separable but
usually used in the passive) 2) I felt worn out after the long flight to Australia.
Me sentía agotado después del largo vuelo a Australia.

weed out

remove weeds or
what is unwanted

The manager insisted that they had to weed out all the unsuitable candidates as they had to weed out their gardens.
El gerente insistió que tenían que eliminar los postulantes inadecuados como tenían que eliminar la maleza de sus jardines.
weigh out
estimate how heavy it is
The greengrocer weighed out a kilo of strawberries for Molly.
El verdulero calculó un kilo de fresas para Molly.
weigh up
consider carefully
He weighed up his chances of promotion before quitting..
El analizó sus oportunidades de ascenso antes de renunciar.
while away
spend some time pleasantly
We whiled away the whole afternoon at the exhibition.
Pasamos toda la tarde en la exposición.
win over
This priest won over many people to Christianity.
Este sacerdote convirtió mucha gente al Cristianismo.
win through
survive, recover
Despite all the hardships, he won through.
Sobrevivió a pesar de todas las privaciones.
wind up

1) turn the spring of a machine or a clock to make it go 1) I forgot to wind up my cuckoo clock last night.
Anoche olvidé darle cuerda a mi reloj cucú.
2) end a meeting or speech
(separable when transitive) 2) The meeting will wind up with a few English songs.
La reunion finalizará con algunas canciones inglesas.
wipe out
destroy, annihilate
A town near Miami was wiped out by the tornado.
Un pueblo próximo a Miami fue aniquilada por el tornado.
wipe up
take up liquid by wiping
usually with a mop He rushed to wipe up the pool of coffee on the wooden floor.
Corrió a secar el charco de café sobre el piso de madera.
wither up
become dry, faded or dead
Some flowers soon wither up under the rays of the sun.
Algunas flores se marchitan pronto bajo los rayos del sol.
work in
The author worked in a few lines about his own life in Africa.
El autor introdujo algunas líneas sobre su vida en Africa.
work in with

fit in with

His ideas for a new factory did not work in with those of his employers and he was fired.
Sus ideas de una nueva planta no encajaron con las de sus empleadores y fue despedido.
work off
get rid of, get over
He worked off his depression by visiting Menem's properties.
Superó su depresión visitando las propiedades de Menem.
work out

1) plan, solve by careful study
1) Can you work this puzzle out?
¿Puedes resolver este acertijo?
2) exhaust by working
2) The old coal mine has already been worked out.
La antigua mina de carbón ya ha sido agotada.
3) be calculated at
3) The restaurant bill worked out at 20 dollars each.
La cuenta del restaurante resultó a 20 dólares por persona.
4) produce the desired result
4) Their plan did not work out and the robbers were caught.
Su plan no funcionó y los ladrones fueron capturados.
work up

1) excite, arouse
1) The dictator worked up the emotions of the crowd.
El dictador despertó las emociones de la multitud.
2) study more thoroughly

2) She told us to work up 300 Phrasal Verbs for the exam.
Nos indicó que estudiáramos en detalle 300 Verbos Frasales para el examen.
work up to
progress gradually to
His novel works up to a thrilling climax.
Su novela avanza gradualmente hacia un final apasionante.

worm out
find out by devious means
find our without scruples Don't let worm out your secret so easily.
No permitas que te sonsaquen tu secreto con tanta facilidad.
wrap up

1) cover, put round,
roll up 1) It was very cold so I wrapped myself up in a blanket.
Estaba muy frío de modo que me envolví en una manta.
2) wind or fold as
a covering 2) She wrapped up the gift in a beautiful silver paper.
Envolvió el regalo en un hermoso papel plateado.
wriggle out of
Amanda always tries to wriggle out of her responsibilities.
Amanda siempre trata de evitar sus responsabilidades.
wrinkle up
to get wrinkles in perplexity
He wrinkled up his face and admitted he was puzzled.
Frunció el ceño y aceptó estar esconcertado.
write down
make a note
I wrote down the instructions.
Tomé nota de las instrucciones.
write into
add to in writing
The terms were written into the lease.
Se agregaron por escrito las condiciones a la locación.
write off
cancel, regard as
They were forced to write off several irretrievable debts.
Nos vimos forzados a dar de baja varias deudas incobrables.
write oneself out

exhaust one's ideas
in writing

The novelist appears to have written himself out because nothing new has emerged from his pen since 2000.
El novelista parece haber agotado sus ideas porque nada nuevo ha salido de su pluma desde el año 2000.
write out
write in full
The witness wrote out his account of the acident.
El testigo pasó en limpio su versión del accidente.
write up
compose in writing
I used my notes to write up the report.
Usé mis notas para redactar el informe.
yearn after desire strongly Helen yearned after the sight of the old, familiar house.
Helen añoraba ver la vieja casa familiar.
yearn for have affection for;
feel tenderness for Both brothers yearn for their native land in Spain.
Los dos hermanos añoran su tierra natal en España

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